In the twinkling of an eye, Christ will just be there, in
the clouds,
everyone will
see it, and the world will be greatly afraid,
a trumpet will sound
and the dead in Christ will rise, [just like lightning; the light and then the
and those alive in Christ
will rise, then Christ with a great army behind Him
will execute Gods wrath
upon the world; even on parts of
the only safe place will
be up in the sky with Him.
"the sinners in
who among us shall dwell
with the devouring fire?
who among us shall dwell
with everlasting burnings?" Isaiah 33:14
"the streams [of many
nations] shall become pitch,
and the dust into
and the land shall become
burning pitch,
It shall not be quenched night or day,
the smoke thereof shall go up forever" Isaiah 34:9-10
[the smoke of their torment shall
rise forever
Christ will then reign with His saints for 1000 years,
Revelation 20:1-5
when the 1000 years are
over Satan will be let loose for one last time,
and go out to fool the
world again; getting Gog and Magog
to attack the camp of
the saints. [Jerusalem Rev 20:9]
But a fire will come down from heaven and destroy them.
Revelation 20:7-10
It is very clear that Ezekiel speaks of the same thing Revelation
And due to Revelation we know how to understand Ezekiel;
Ezekiel 37:1-14 == Resurrections
Ezekiel 37:15-28 == Reign of the Messiah
Ezekiel 38 and 39 == Gog and Magog
Revelation 20:4-5 == Resurrections
Revelation 20:6-7 == Reign of the Messiah
Revelation 20:7-10 == Gog and Magog [Ezekiel 39:6 == Rev 20:9]
The above is extremely clear from the texts themselves,
they both confirming one
another and Revelation gives.. revelation to Ezekiel's
Thereby we know that Ezekiel chapters 40 to the end are
describing the 1000 years.
Nothing of Ezekiel chapter 37 has happened yet.
'some have errored
saying that the resurrection is past already' 2 Timothy 2:18
And in modern times many will mislead you by telling you that
Ezekiel 37:1-14 is all figurative,
but the Bible is true,
and often literal; Daniel
Ezekiel 37:1-14 is a prophecy about the resurrections to
prophecy was continued by the Messiah [Matt 24:30-31] and Paul [1 Thess
and demonstrated by the
Messiah via His death and, resurrection!
Christ is returning to reign from
but to execute the wrath
of God and then reign from
Blessed are they that keep the commands of Christ [Matthew
5:1 through
[1 John 2:3, 2 John 1:9, 1 Corinthians
that they may have right
to the tree of life, and may enter into the city. Revelation 22:14-17