Ezekiel 37:22 says that Israel shall become one nation when the captives are returned. Many will want you to believe
that Ezekiel 37:22 is talking about 1948, but that can not be the case because Israel became two nations in 1948 through
1967 (Israel and the "West Bank") not one. And they also did not receive one king (Ezek. 37:24) at that point.
Moreover, the land was not desolate and uninhabited in 1948; Ezekiel 36:33-37, Isaiah 6:11, 61:4, Zechariah 7:14,
and Micah 7:13 specifically say that the land will be desolate when the captives return.


The great return of the captives very clearly includes; resurrections!


- Ezekiel 37:1-14 = Resurrections

- Ezekiel 37:15-28 = 1000 year reign of the Messiah {Jeremiah 30:9}

- Ezekiel 38:1-23 to 39:1-25 = Gog and Magog


- Revelation 20:4-5 = Resurrections

- Revelation 20:6 = 1000 year reign of the Messiah

- Revelation 20:7-10 = Gog and Magog { Ez. 39:6 == Rev. 20:9 }

- Isaiah 26:19-21 = Resurrections happen when the Lord comes to punish the earth

- Isaiah 27:1 = and the Lord slays two beasts in that day.


- Revelation 19:1-21 = The Lord with His army, slays two beasts.

(Ezekiel 37:9-10, Matt. 24:29-31, 1 Thess 4:16-17, Jude 1:14-15, Malachi 4:3, Psalm 58:10)


Whoever it is that gets wounded to death and then seemingly healed is only the head of beast #1;

Revelation 13:1-10. It is beast #2 that does seeming miracles; Rev. 13:11-18.

Matthew 24:24-26 == 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 == Revelation 13:14-17


The enemy wants us to think that, a certain person, is the anti-Christ. The deception is to have us believe we are more
along in the 'story' than we really are. The enemy will deceive a lot of people into believing that they have been 'left
behind' and to therefore give up hope. But if you obey the Messiah (Luke
6:27-49, Matthew 7:12-28, 1 John 2:3) then
you have no reason to give up hope.


These passages describe the true Jews, and their current cursed state; Deuteronomy 28:15, 36, 43-44, 64

Deuteronomy 31:16-20 Ezekiel 7:21-24 {Isaiah 5:8} Jeremiah 9:19, 23:27,39-40, 50:6-7, Ezekiel 11:15-17

Their promised return to Israel has yet to happen; it happens when the Messiah returns;

Ezekiel 37:10-12 {37:23-24 1 Corin. 15:51-58 Jude 1:14 Rev. 19:14} Isaiah 3:18, 14:25, Micah 5:2-5, Zechariah 9:15.

There are those who claim to be Jews and are not, but do lie, and are a synagogue of Satan; Rev. 2:9, 3:9.

{ Song 1:5-6 but also clearly Song 5:10. | Amos 5:26, Ezekiel 33:26, Isaiah 5:8, Obadiah 1:1-21, Malachi 1:3-4, 3:5 }

A temple will be built, and an abomination that causes desolation placed inside of it. Mark 13:14 Matthew 24:15-18
"When ye therefore see the abomination of desolation...:" that is "When". Let no one deceive you otherwise, before the
Messiah returns much of
Israel will be uninhabited and desolate, when He returns the "ruins shall be rebuilt"
36:33-34. Much of Israel and the surrounding territories are to become desolate and uninhabited;
Deuteronomy 29:23, Ezekiel 5:7-9, Isaiah 61:4, Jeremiah 22:3-5, Ezekiel 36:24-25, 33-37, Daniel 9:26, Micah 7:13,
Matthew 24:15-18 {Daniel 8:11, Daniel 11:31} then the return of the Messiah is near.


As long as we actually continue to follow the Messiah (Luke 6:27-49 Matt. 5 through 7) we will not be deceived.

In the coming years, many will say to themselves "my Lord delays His coming", however;

the Lord already warned us of this very thing; Matthew 24:48-51.


Belief that brings salvation is an Active not passive belief. James 2:26.

Romans 2:4 Romans 6:1-2 Titus 2:11-12 Hebrews 5:8-9 1 Corinthians 16:22 John 14:21

John 15:2 therefore Matthew 28:19-20 for Luke 8:11. John 15:6-8


Whosoever transgresses (disobeys the Torah 1 John 3:4), and abides not in the doctrine of the Son has not the Father.
Whoever abides in the doctrine of the Son (Luke
6:27-49 Matt. 7:12-28 John 15:12) has both the Father and the Son.

2 John 1:9. 1 Corinthians 10:13 Philippians 1:6